1-1=Slept late, watched Rose parade, took down tree.
1-8=Cliff moved into new Calif. home.
3-13=Don/Pat flew to Dallas
3-14=Don got new Buick Electra
4-9=Six inch snow. No work for Dad. 4-10= Car stuck = no work for Dad
4-22=To Earl/Barb for Easter dinner.
4-26=To Jeff. High school for Sheryl into National Honor Society.
5-3=Spent 2 day in Marshalltown at convention
5-28=Memorial day services on bridge then to Lindale plaza.
6-7=Paula and Sheryl’s Graduation. Nice reception at Earl’s for Sheryl.
6-10=Paula’s reception
6-15=Had obsence phone call.
6-16=Lu had car wreck
6-17=Dad to Shrine circus with Bruce.
6-18=Dad sick all night. [Beginning of 2 month ordeal with gall bladder!]
6-19=Dad to Dr. 6-22&25&26= Dad had x-rays
6-29=I’m better today. 6-30=I’m feeling a lot better.
7-3=Lu and Larry took for a spin in their new car.
7-4=With Don/Pat to Ames and Ledges state park
7-5=Dad to surgery at Mercy hosp.
7-6=Botz/Lu drove up about 8:30 PM.
7-10=Dad back to hosp. 7-11=Surgery.. 7-14=Dad much better, had a lot of company.
7-17=Dad draining badly. Had liquid diet. 7-18=Dad better. 7-22=Dad’s leg swollen. Upped his food
7-25=Dad on soft diet. 7-29=Dad HOME
8-4=Dad at 160#’s Dad drove car to store.
8-6=Trip to NE Iowa w/ Geo/Mae. Caught 4 fish at trout farm at Clayton, Iowa.
8-10=Dad to Mercy hosp. Emergency
8-12=Lu to St.Lukes hosp.
8-17=To Minn. W/ Lu to get Larry. Stopped in Farmington and Austin.
8-24=Got new TV. Old one blurry.
9-4=Dad back to work
9-13=Paul/Lu on trip to Cinn., Ohio.
10-12=V.P.Agnew replaced by G. Ford. To Bruce’s birthday party w/ Don & Pat at Sambo’s.
10=25=Painted walls and washed curtains
10-29=Heard about Nadines accident.
11-6=Our 47th anniversary.
11=22=Thanksgiving dinner at Don/Pats.
11-24=Got a letter from Sweden.
12-11=Veg. For dinner for Sen. Citizens at church.
12-23=Sunday before Christmas. Total 31 here. Wonderful day.
12-25=Cliff and family here from Calif. 34 here.
12-31=Took Christmas decorations down.