1-1=Watched parade with Geo & Mae. To Iver & Bea’s for turkey and pie.
1-5=Dad taken to work by Geo. By Pat on the 7th. By Fuller on the 28th. [?]
2-2=Dad bought car battery. $23.13
2-12=Pat called. Sick.
4-4=To Ashbury Meth. Church. Sally -Greg confirmed
4-18=To Home Style show with Paul & Lu.
4-20=Bought a TV
4-29=Got a clock for Joanne.
5-2=To see Aunt Mary in Cedar Falls with Elise Ray and J[?] and family
5-13= To Sioux City for convention ‘til 15th.
5-21=To Hawkeye and Joanne’s graduation
5-27=Call CR Gazette about Navy Mother’s club. Weekly reports.....
6-3=Sue got diamond?
6-5=Earl helped Dad fix car.
6-21=Elvira and Merle visited 3 days.
6-29=Iver’s Bea to hosp. Had surgery on 7-22. Dies 7-24.
8-6=Edna Lagerquist dies.
8-18=Iver’s car stolen.
8-20= Trip to Des Moines to Theresa [Truman?] wedding
8-23=Theo & Marion [2nd wife] 2nd anniversary.
9-7=To Vinton for NMCA #669 convention.
9-27=Stacy sick and to Dr.
10-5=To Fayette
10-27=My 64th birthday. Got lots of cards
11-12=Sold car [?]
11-25=Thanksgiving dinner at Don & Pat’s. Temp. = 49.
11-26=Turkey supper with Paul & L.
12-11=Earl & Barb brought tree.
12-18=Our family Xmas. Supper. All of us. Got Watch from Dad.
12-30=Earl wired jacks in TV
12-31=Dad job terminated.
From diary of 1-3-1972=Dad to N. F. [Nash Finch] & from 1-10-1972=Dad Back to work