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1-1=Dad to Nadines [16 times 1-1-61 to 2-18-61 & more later]

1-2=Wilbur & I to Kates’s -watched rose parade and 2 games on TV 

1-3=letters to 13 NMCA mothers.

1-4=to VA hosp on Wednesdays. To L.C. [Linn county home] often.

1-5=Wilbur to DeKalb, IL with Don Good

1-7=To Omaha and C. Bluffs [?Gene’s Funeral?-- NO! Did so 3-4]

1-11=home on train

1-12=Talked at red cross orientation about VA hosp.Volunteering. Barb to Dr., Sat w/S. and G.

1-16=stayed in bed all day. Not feeling good. [lasted about 10 days]

1-20=Pres. JFK in office. Watched on TV

1=21=Greg got chicken pox

1-28=Bought TV & rug. Cliff & Lydia came for over night.

2-4=Got TV table $16.27

2-9=Ken & Mary [Goodell] nice wedding

2-13=C of C and red cross meeting about Civil defense and Disaster group

2-15=double murder and suicide at 121 12th st. NW

2-21=Nadine to hosp. [ at least 6 days]

3-4=to Omaha Gene’s funeral. Returned 3-8

3-19=Molly and Andy visited

3-24=worked at Embassy Club

3-27=Sheryl has tonsils out

3-30=Red cross disaster alert for 9 hours.

4-2=to Don & Pat’s for dinner. Got Easter lily. Went bowling for 3 hrs. score=80

4-4=Got Red cross cap!

4-13=to ? Convention at Ft. Des Moines hotel for 2 days

4-20=Got 3 awards at VA hosp.

4-23 & 24=C.P. [Center Point?] disaster unit 4.5 + 8.5 hrs.

4-28=Lydia and kids came. Then to Aunt Marys and Ottumwa on the 30th.

4-30=Wilbur got his 5th trophy at Des Moines, IA

5-1=In Ottumwa, had coffee with 20 women. Saw “Susie Wong” visited Abernathy’s

5-3=More coffee. House at 407 Elmdale sold! To CR on plane in 27 minutes. Wonderful

5-7=Wilbur got 6th trophy at Peoria.

5-14=To Gloria Dei church for mothers day with Paul and Lu.

5-22=Baby shower at Lu’s for Barb.

5-31=Cliff called from Continental Inn in Richardson, TX.

6-18=Adolf’s [?brother] 59th Birthday. Motorcycle Scramble at Mechanicsville

6-21=Cliff at town house [1039 Custer Rd. Richardson TX]

6-27=”Our baby girl. To Barb at 11:45 AM.”

7-1=Baby dies

7-5=Bowling score 142-91-115

7-6=Paul & Lu moving to PAL Inn at Orchard IA, Residence in the rear.

7-8=Painted the Inn at Orchard

7-20=Paul moved from CR

1961 page 2 of 2

7-22=Ed L in Ia city hosp. Visited twice

7-31=At Cliff’s 522 Salem, Richardson

8-2=Visited Iris [?, ex CR neighbor] in Richardson. Wilbur got a Sterograph.

8-4=back in CR 2035 miles

8-7=Paul, Fran & Tim L visited from Minn. To Collins credit Union meet with Earl

8-8=Donate blood at St Lukes

8–11=Carpentry at PAL Inn

8-21=Got Rx from Dr. K for back arthritis.

8-23=My mom’s birthday , 82 yrs.

8-27= To Paul’s, Lu sick. Until 8-31

8-28=Started to toilet train Larry

9-1=Bea called, Iver sick

9-5=Sally, Phillip and Doug started school

9-9=Frank [from Palo] sick and to Ia city hosp. Had operation. Ed L in IC hosp. Too.

9-10=Wilbur to Red Wing, Minn.

9-20=Todd Neilson in CR for visiting family

9-29 & 30=Wilbur sick

10-1=No trophy for Wilbur at Iowa Falls.

10-4=Dad sick

10-5=Wilbur [?] to spec. Ca???? Parke after [Dr.] Kopecky

10-6=Wilbur to hosp., then home on 10-7 No findings.

10-8=Elvira [Truman] visiting to see Ed L

10-10=Frank to Dr. Don Bomkamp. Frank has Cancer!

10-17=Toy party at Pat & Don’s

10-27=Many came and called for my birthday

10-31=60 kids for Halloween

11-3=Scott to hosp.

11-4=7 visited for our anniv.

11-6=Scott, spinal meningitis. Took Frank to Megans Nursing home, then to Ia City on 16th.
            Until 12-1.

11-15=[apparently] Canceled going Dr. Robb for x-rays!!

12-2=Harry to Des Moines with Botz

12-3=Stacy baptized

12-5=Frank died, [83 yrs.] Paul & Lu came in @3:35 AM

12-7=Frank buried @ Oak Shade Cem., Marion, IA [apparently saw] Dr. Robb in PM.

12-8=Therapy at St. Lukes.. Also on 12-9. Also on12-12. Also on 12-13. Also 12-14

12-10=Prep Xmas cards. 144!

12-24=20 for Xmas eve supper. Got typewriter.

12-30=Nash Finch inventory

12-31= N. Y. Eve at Howard and Alvina’s [?] cabin

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