1-1=Rose parade TV at Kate and Theo’s. Better parade this year. Then soup
1-2=Wrote to Wesley & VA hosp.in St. Cloud about Todd. Wilbur said Sharon was sick.
1-5=Got letters from VA hosp. And from Todd. Todd now 58.
1-9=Iver to IC VA hosp. Heard from St. Cloud VA hosp. Iver got u. sonic trigger point treat.
Many notes during year for Red cross, Linn Co. Home, VA hosp.,Navy Mothers, Embassy club
1-16=At VA saw,”Self Exam of Breast” movie Got letter from Todd
1-17=Joanne to KCRG [on her birthday] BS=Baby sat often with each grandchild.
1-21=Car died.. It to Standard Service. Jack to hosp. With diarrhea. [ 10 days ?]
1-24=Had 2 wills made by Atty. Stone in Marion. Sewing at coliseum [Often]
2-2=Nice Sunday dinner, day, & visit with Wilbur and Sharon.
2-6=Iver here, Letter to Todd.
2-7=Many notes on bowling. [Mom’s set as high as 390 & Dad over 400.]
2-12=To Dr. Bomkamp. Letter from Todd. Got Valentines from Grandkids.
2-26=To Dr. Tonsil . growing back.
3-20=Sally sick
3-30=VA hosp. Called. Todd out (AOR) [?]
5-12=Mothers day. Most kids here.
5-17=To Wisc. With Cliff’s family, visit Bjorkes.
6-1=New car from Don Good. 2 tone Dodge Coronet. $47 per month
6-2=Susan’s recital. Very nice.
6-16=Dad’s day. Most grandkids came with gifts. Many notes about Geo. & Mae Goodel.
6-28=Dad not good. To Dr. & on July 1 & 3. [Mom sick to on the 3rd.]
7-6=Pain in chest while watching TV. Called Jean Fuller, who called Dr. Dr. Orders, to Hosp.
7-8=Rested in bed.. Had blood test and cardiogram [EKG] which was OK
7-11=Gall Badder and stomach X-rays. Good heart, lungs & stomach, except ulcer. Gall stones may need operation, but not immediately.
7-18=Not feeling so good. Stayed home all day.
7-26=Gall Badder. Surgery. Then home on 8-3. By Dr[?] Ketachsky
8-7= To Dr. [for check up] Mae G. Did wash & ironing twice that week. N.F. Picnic
8-18=To Cliff & Lydia’s. 2 birthdays.
9-20=To Dr. Bomkamp for 2 shots of cordizone.
9-23=Barbara got pneumonia. Broke glasses in half. Got new glasses from Dr. In Marion.
10-5=Wilbur got red truck
10-8=To Dr. For cordizone + novacane shots. To Dr again 10-10 G.B. for Dad.
10-16=to Ia. City VA, 1st since June.
10-27=My birthday, a pot luck at Paul & Lu’s. Iver & Bea had a peice dedicated to me at KCRG
10-28=Got Dress from Dad. Saw movie, “Diary of Anne Frank”
11-22=Pres. JFK shot. To Memorial At Paramount Theatre on the 25th.
11-24.=To Cliff’s [at Ames, 7th street]
11-28=To Wilbur & Sharon for Thanksgiving with 4 parents.
12-20=Doug’s Play at St. Pats
12-22=Christmas at Paul & Lu’s. With nice Christmas program at Gloria Dei Earl & Barb’s kids sick..
12-28 & 29=Sick all day