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1-16=Todd came & stayed. Todd to I.C. [hosp.?]

1-27=Had cramps

2-1=To Barb & Earl’s (Sandys’s B)[irthday].

2-13=Hurt left hand

2-24=Found P on breast. Checked with Dr.Bomkamp.

3-3=S.S. checks came for Todd & for Harry.

3-6=Police came looking for Todd.

3-18=Susan drove up in car all alone. [ 16 yrs. Old]

5-1=To convention at Clear Lake. [Thru 5-4-69].

5-11=Mother’s day. [contact with 6 familes].

5-12=Sheryl in hosp. with severe headache. EEC

5-13=Out to dinner with Theo. [monthly]

5-23=to Todd in I.C. hosp. Is better

6-6=Iver and I to see Todd. Todd in surgery 3.5 hours.

6-14=To get Groc.       2 dogs chased me.

6-18=Todd fine. 6-21=Todd OK but weak.. 6-23=Todd to American nurse home. 6-25=Todd not so good. 7-8=Bought clothes for Todd with Iver. 7-23= Todd dies. 7-25=Todd buried 2 lots from Mama.

6-26=To city assessors office. [?]

7-5=Dad not feeling good. I went up all over C.R.. Nice. Jon with Cliff. [Small plane ride.]

7-14=Sick. To Dr.Jacobs. Verge of pneumonia.

7-30=Dad to Dr. Flyna.

8-2=Got new car from Cliff. [Used white Mercury].

8-15=To Soc. Security office.

8-16=To Ames. Airplane ride over Des Moines, Dad & I. Church. To “R” Movie. Drove to Des Moines. Visited. Back to Ames & Supper at Broiler steak house. To CR. 8-18.

8-19=To hosp. To see Lucille.

9-12=Wilbur & Sharon to visit in Denver.

9-16=Didn’t feel good.

9-18=Pain around heart. Noon. Must call Earl.[?]

9-22=Harry to Dr. No water in xxx[?].

10-4=Aunt Molly dies.

10-27=62nd birthday. Earl & Barb here. Wilbur & Sharon brought Stereo. Got lots of cards. To Don & Pats for Supper.

11-6=43rd Anniversary. Wilbur & Sharon cleaned carpet. Earl & Barb visited. Cliff flew in & took Paul & Lu up in plane.

11-10=To Doug’s birthday supper.

11-12=Sick all day.

11-21=Bowled with Paul +

11-27=To Pat & Don’s for Thanksgiving. Wore new coat.

12-4=Went Xmas shopping at K Mart.          Started 111 Xmas cards.

12-17=On way to town, Dad hit car.

12-24=To Paul& Lu’s on C. Eve. To Pat & Don’s on C. Day.

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