1-1=Was up to Don/Pat’s for dinner.
Jan.[’Home all day”many days. Visits by Paul, Don, Wilbur, Tom, Larry, Pat, Bruce, Scott]
1-30=Baked some sweet bread. Also on 3-17 & 12-9.
2-13=Paul/Lu was here, went on their vacation.[Til 2-22]
2-17=Was out to Dave/Sue for Danny birthday.
2-17=[I] Went to doctor with Pat. [Also on the 18th and 24th.]
3-4=Barb/Earl was here.
3-9=To Earl/Barb, 25 Anniv. George took me, Don brought me home.
3-10=Geo was here and call [ed] the doctor.
4-6=Up to Don/Pat’s, to Amana. Dave/Sue was here.
4-17=Pat was here with the washing. Also 10-21 & 11-11.
4-23=Bruce was here. True his [bike] wheels. On 4-28=Scott was here, fix his bike wheels.
4-24=Paula’s baby was born today. A boy. [Levi]
4-30=To Mercy hosp. With Don/Pat. Paul was here. Don stay [ed] all night.
5-5 to 5-11=[Empty, no entries]
5-12=Pat took me to the doctor. Paul was here.
5-25=Tom was here, went to church with him.
6-1=Went to cemetery with Don/Pat with flowers.
6-2=Cliff was here, stay [ed] all night.
6-23=Pat was here. Went to house for Don’s birthday. [Supper, cake ice cream and movies.]
6-30=Paul was here, made bird feeder.
7-6=Don/Pat/Bruce was here, went for ride to Marion and had Dairy Queen.
7-19=Paul was here, went to Scott’s wedding. Sandy took me home about 6:30.
7-22=Lucille in hosp. [back] Home 7-24.
7-28=Don was here. Went to doctor.
8-3=Paul/Lu, went to Wayne/Chris. Paul came back, Went to fair grounds trucker pull. Til 11.
8-5=Went to doctor. Again Aug. 18 at 11 AM.
8-10=Went to Nash Finch picnic.
8-15=My Sister is here.[Til 19th, after birthday]
8-16=Went to Paul church.
8-17=Was out to Longbranch [rest.]with the gang for dinner. Mae was with.
8-20=To Dr. Johnson, Pat took me.
9-3=Paul/Lu was here, left on their trip. Went to doctor. Also on 9-16 & 9-23 & 11-4 & 11-14.
9-20=Scott/Renee was here.
10-20=Tom was here, back with little baby bed.
10-22=Nadine was here, got baby bed. 11-3=Joanne, baby boy born. [Tony Ede]
11-16=Tom was here, wash the storm window.
11-23=Paul was here. We had beef noodles for supper. Took all horses [& wagon] home.
11-27=Up to Don/Pat’s for [Thanksgiving] dinner.[Don = picked up. Scott = returned.]
11-29=Don/Pat was here, went to cemetery. Wreath on Mom’s grave.
12-3=Nadine, Kathy, Joanne, Jamie & Tony was here
12-23=Don was here. Went to Dave/Sue.
12-24=Was with Paul/Lu, to her girl friends and to church and their house.
12-25=Don was here. Was up there for dinner.